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Here at the magic garden we encourage fun, spontaneity and free creative play. That said, children need structure, predictability & guidance to feel safe and empowered. That is why, the activities we offer are under pinned by a carefully considered curriculum devised to help develop social & emotional skills.

Color Curriculum

with Fezzy The Magical Fox©

Magic Garden Director Faye is a trained EQi 2.0 (Emotional Intelligence) coach and assessor. When her first child was conceived she realized that although plentiful for adults, there was very little by way of emotional intelligence development material available for children. So she got to work, creating thoughtful, fun and engaging books with associated activities built around a curriculum founded on the principles of strengthening & encouraging balanced emotional intelligence. A year later, Fezzy the Magical Fox© was published followed shortly thereafter by 3 more activity books and the launch of Fun with Fezzy Play Days in the great outdoors. 

Starting at the early age of 18 months we can begin introducing color curriculum themes, language and play; Then by age 3-4 (depending on readiness) children can partake fully in Fun with Fezzy classes. Fezzy Fox is our guide to find magic in the forest of possibility. The MAGIC we set out to find each class, is actually a set of carefully considered real life skills. We allow children to make the connection between ‘The Forest of Possibility’ we play in, and the real world.

The Color Curriculm Web Version .png
Emotional Intelligence at the Magic Garden Ojai

What it is...

The ability to be aware of, control, and express one's emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. "Emotional Intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success."


Our Color Curriculum builds each lesson around a core Emotional Intelligence skill. For ease of understanding which lesson and which emotional intelligence skill go together we have color coded them to match. These colors also relate to the relevant starter story in our Fezzy The Magical Fox© activity book. 

Be Grounded

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

Our first week and first lesson is focused on being grounded. Our Emotional Intelligence development is in Resilience.

Be Creative

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

Week 2 is dedicated to being creative. Our Emotional Intelligence skill this week is Self Expression.

Be Focused

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

Week 3 of The Fun with Fezzy Play Days is all about being focused. We will be developing our Decision Making ability.

Be Kind

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

Our middle week is the most important of all skills, and that is empathy. We will be learning what it takes to be kind.

Speak Your Truth

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

Communication is the name of the game in week 5. Let's make our voices heard in a valuable way.

Listen To Yourself

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

This week we learn to trust our instincts and intuition. This is critical for our problem solving activity.

Open Your Mind

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

This final week of skill development is about being self aware. Anything is possible in the forest of possibility.

Be Happy

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

This conclusion to our Fun with Fezzy Play Days Series is a celebration of all the Magical skills we have found over the past 8 weeks.

Follow Up

Preschool Toddler Skills & learning at the Magic Garden Ojai. Childcare for nature lovers

After the season is complete you will want to sign up for the next season of classes. Little learners can move up to the bigger kid classes once ready.

Proudly created with magic

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